eProcurement Registration

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Company Registration

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User inputs the accurate URL in the browser and press Enter button. The browser loads and displays the Login screen as displayed below

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For a New User on the platform, Click on the Register button to be registered on the system.

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Input a valid Email, Full name, Secure Password and Confirm Password.

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After entering accurate details, Click Register button.

At this point, a popup message will display on the screen to indicate the user has been created on the platform and also notify the user to check his email and verify his email address.

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Click on the link and it will redirect the user to a notification window displaying Successful Email Validation message. Click on the button to take the user to the Login screen.

After a successful Login, the user is taken to the first screen, i.e. company registration screen. Company Registration Screen: Here is where the contractor registers his company with all required information and documents for verification, validation and qualification purposes. To register a company :- Click on "New" button at the top-right corner of the screen. A windows then slides in from the right showing the main fields for company registration as seen below;

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Click on the link and it will redirect the user to a notification window displaying Successful Email Validation message. Click on the button to take the user to the Login screen.

After a successful Login, the user is taken to the first screen, i.e. company registration screen. Company Registration Screen: Here is where the contractor registers his company with all required information and documents for verification, validation and qualification purposes. To register a company :- Click on "New" button at the top-right corner of the screen. A windows then slides in from the right showing the main fields for company registration as seen below;

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Click on the link and it will redirect the user to a notification window displaying Successful Email Validation message. Click on the button to take the user to the Login screen.

1. RC Number: This denotes the company registration number in the CAC database A. Telephone Number: This refers to the main mobile phone number of the contractor or contracting company
2. Company Name: This refers to the official registered company name B. Fax Number: A number assigned to a particular fax machine and used in making connections to it.a number assigned to a particular fax machine and used in making connections to it. (Optional)
3. TIN: Taxpayer Identification Number is an 11 digit numeric code which is mandatory for traders or dealers who participate in transactions which attract VAT C. Email: This refers to the electronic mail address to which the contractor or contracting body can receive emails for notification and verification purposes.
4. CRS HIS REG Number: This denotes Cross River State Health Insurance Scheme registration number required by Cross River State Government D. Website: This field gives room for contractors to give link to their existing online platform/presence. It could be a social media link or an actual web address. (Optional)
5. Contact Person: This refers to the contact/Individual where that can be reached in the case of an update or complain. E. Remarks:Here the user writes brief description of the company function, goal or motto.
6. Alternate Contact Person: This refers to the contact/Individual where that can be reached in the case of an update or complain.

Fill in the required fields and click on "Save" button. This takes you back to the to the first page where list of registered company displays as follows;

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To input more required details, click your registered company in the list generated as shown above, it opens a new window where you can scroll through various required fields for company registration process. Scroll down to "Address List" and Click "New" A new window slides in from the right as shown below

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ADDRESS 1:Users should input their company office current address in this field.
ADRESS 2: Users should input alternate company address, i.e. second company address if applicable. (OPTIONAL)
COUNTRY: Users should select what country the company station resides from the drop down list.
STATE LOCATION: Users should select the exact state the company resides from the drop down list.
REMARKS: This field gives room for more specification such as landmarks e.t.c. for better understanding.

Users should click "OK" after filling in the required details. Users can input multiple addresses if need be as seen below.

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Scroll down a bit further to "Categorization list", click "New" to open windows
select the "Category" to which the company registered will tender i.e. either "goods", "works" or "services" as seen below.

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Whichever category is been selected, only the sublet mapped to that category called "Group" will be displayed and available for selection likewise for the "sub-Group". Fill in the remarks and click "OK" to save.

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Note: A company can register under multiple category to bid for multiple tenders as seen below;

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Scroll down further to "Correspondence List", click on "New" and Enter your message in the remark field as seen below. Note: "Correspondence field" is used by the supplying body to make inquiries, complains or request feedback from the buying party i.e. buyers (Cross Rivers State) see example below;

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Scroll down to "Financial Information Details" and click on "New" to add financial information

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Input data into the required fields as seen above. Click "OK" to save Scroll down to "Company Key Personnel List" click "New" and fill in the required fields as seen below

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Scroll further down to "Jobs completed List" Click "New" to open window, Enter Information of previously completed jobs as seen below

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Note: You can add as many previously completed jobs as possible Scroll down to "Company Directors list" and click on "New" to add required fields select owners "country" of origin from the drop down list as well as his "gender" "name", "designation" and "phone number". Fill in all other required details as seen below

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Input data into the fields as shown above and click "OK" to save Scroll further down to "Tax Payment List", Click "New"

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Input the required data and click "OK" to save.

Note: You can input more than one company detail tax payment as shown below, using the remarks section to denote/differentiate between the two.

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Scroll a bit further down to bring you to the last section of the company registration process, "Upload List". Click "New", Input the description details Select from the drop down the type of document you wish to upload, i.e. "Registration document"

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Click on "Browse" button to browse, select and upload relevant document. Note: The system only allow uploaded documents in PDF format, any other file format will be rejected. After a successful upload, the user should be able to view uploaded document via the platform as seen below. App preview